Top 10 Rookie Mistakes Guests Make at Disney Parks
We’ve all felt like the “rookie” at one time or another. But we’re here to help you feel like an old pro while enjoying Disney World Parks! Here is our list of the top ten rookie mistakes guests make at Disney Parks… and honestly – yes, we’ve made them all.
1 – Not Bothering with Lightning Lanes
We get it. While we’re not huge fans of paid Lightning Lane options because of the additional cost, we can’t deny that sometimes, if you want the best possible experience in the parks, you probably just need to pay the additional fees. Deciding on if to purchase, which one to purchase, and navigating Lightning Lanes can be overwhelming and confusing for many first-time Disney guests, leading them to skip it altogether. Unfortunately, that means they may be spending a lot of extra time in stand-by lanes and are not experiencing as much of the parks as they probably should. It’s not always necessary, particularly at certain parks, but don’t skip researching and considering whether paying for these will help you enjoy your vacation!
2 – Filling up on Soda – not on Water
Rule number one in Florida is to remain hydrated! The heat at Disney World will have you wishing Queen Elsa would just go ahead and freeze things. If you’re like us, that refreshing Coca-Cola sign starts to call your name. But wait – don’t forget about WATER. Simple H2O is your best bet for a refreshing drink that serves the wonderful purpose of keeping you hydrated. Coke will only dehydrate you more, despite what it tastes like when drinking it. Don’t forget to especially keep an eye on what your kids are drinking. Plus, fountain water with ice from Quick Service locations is free… so drink up!
3 – Dressing for Looks, Not for Comfort
You are a princess or a prince regardless of what you stroll up in Disney wearing! We particularly feel terrible for the little girls that dress as princesses and wear those little heals… ouch, they are going to be hurting (as are their Dad’s backs from carrying them). Comfortable, cool clothing to match the weather and great walking shoes are a must-have when spending the day at a Disney park.
4 – No Dining Reservations
Trust us, it’s not fun getting to a Disney park and wishing you could find a table service restaurant to sit down at, enjoy a meal, and relax – but instead, finding all of the restaurants you’ve tried aren’t accepting guests without reservations. That hunger and angry (hangry!) attitude kick in, and you feel like turning into Wreck-It-Ralph. Do your best to book those dining reservations well in advance – 60 days, if possible. This will save that grumbling stomach in the long run!

5 – Trying to Do It All
Ok, we understand this one is super tempting for a rookie! This might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and getting everything in seems like the only way to go. It’s Walt Disney World. There is no way possible to get everything done in one day. BUT – we do recommend creating a must-do list and being sure all of those attractions, shows, and entertainment on your family’s must-do list are conquered. Finish that handful of must-do selections and count everything else as icing on the cake.
6 – Figuring Out the Park When You Get There
Spontaneous people – hear us out! We think you are fantastic and strive to be more like you every day. But, our type-A personalities tend to take control from time to time. While we think you must be spontaneous about some things at Disney, do yourself the favor of having a little bit of a grasp on the parks before arriving at them. Even if it’s studying a map on the bus ride over, you’ll be so thankful you have an understanding of the park layout and what it has to offer before arrival. Get that game plan organized so when you enter those magical gates, you’ll feel like you’ve got this!
7 – Not Checking the Weather
Speaking of spontaneous… have you checked out the Florida weather?! It’s hard to guess each day what the weather may do as in the morning, it may say one thing, but by the afternoon, it’s completely different. We suggest preparing for rain with small Dollar Store ponchos you can throw into a bag. Have a weather app on your phone and check it periodically throughout the day so you have a handle on what might be headed your way.
8 – We Didn’t Expect the Crowds
Before booking the most magical Disney vacation imaginable, we highly recommend checking out the crowd levels at Disney. Check to see what is considered the peak season vs. the value season. Not only will this save you on expenses (especially with resorts), but the crowd levels historically have been much more manageable during value season. If you aren’t able to book during value season and must go during peak season, expect large crowds, and don’t let that put a damper on your vacation! Note that crowd levels have been very high for the last few years, even during the traditionally slow time in late January to mid-February. It’s been crazy crowded. So be prepared. There may be no slower times with low crowds.
For information on crowd patterns and other considerations on vacation timing, check out these two articles:
Best Times to Beat the Crowds: Disney World Trip Planning 101
Choosing When to Go to Disney World – Considerations Beyond the Crowds
9 – Forgot to Pack a Bag
Not every individual needs a bag to carry into Disney parks with them, but chances are, you may need some supplies if you have a family. Don’t forget some of the park basics like sunscreen, sunglasses, ponchos, snacks, chapstick, cell charger, Tylenol, and hand sanitizer. While most of these items can be purchased in the park, you’ll save the wallet by bringing them along from home if necessary.
10 – Ignoring Cast Members
Cast Members are present at specific locations during specific times for a reason. It’s easy to get caught up in awe of Disney, but try to focus on what the Cast Members may be asking you to do. Know how many people are in your party when entering an attraction. Move back or forward if they ask you to. And smile back at them when they smile at you! They really do want you to have a great time while being as safe as possible.
Were these tips helpful? We have a lot more to say about where these came from! Sign up for our newsletter in the right-hand column or at the bottom of this article for helpful planning articles and Disney-related news.
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